Peace, an invaluable gift of God's mercy Peace an invaluable gift of God's mercy Liturgy of April 7th - Second Sunday or Sunday of Divine Mercy Dear brothers and sisters, the first gift of the Risen …More
Peace, an invaluable gift of God's mercy
Peace an invaluable gift of God's mercy
Liturgy of April 7th - Second Sunday or Sunday of Divine Mercy
Dear brothers and sisters, the first gift of the Risen Christ to his disciples, as the Gospel of Sunday April 7 reminds us, is peace. How necessary is peace always, but especially nowadays. Jesus reminds us that wars, like all bad things, come from the heart of man and then spread like a devastating and destructive fire throughout the entire world. The first, the mother of all wars, originates in the heart of man when he, deceived by Satan, deludes himself into thinking he can make war on God to take his place. Dear brothers and sisters, how important it is for the Church, today more than ever, to make Saint Paul's appeal to humanity resound throughout the world: Let yourselves be reconciled with God!
This 1930,s devotion has been the last devotion given to the Church, how appropriate in this huge mess with a Church hardly functioning that God should extend His unfathomable Mercy.
Sean Johnson
Never heard of it. Must be some Vatican II church feast?