A Simple and Efficient Novena to St. Rita Novena to St. Rita For nine days, you will say the prayer of the day, followed by one “Glory Be” and then the following prayer: Glory to the Father and to the …More
A Simple and Efficient Novena to St. Rita
Novena to St. Rita
For nine days, you will say the prayer of the day, followed by one “Glory Be” and then the following prayer:
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was, in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end amen. Amen.
Lord Jesus, today, through the hands of Saint Rita,
we present you with our personal situations and
our immense desire for the good of our families
and our communities. Send upon us, O Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit, so that our attitudes and our words, like those of Saint Rita, may be inspired by your Gospel and guided by your grace. You are God and live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen By the intercession of Saint Rita may God bless us, Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Day 1. We honour you, O Saint of Cascia, for your fidelity to your baptismal vows. Intercede for us with the Lord so that we may live with joy and coherency our vocation to holiness …
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2 Apparations of the Virgin-Italian/English A documentary about the Marian apparitions, Lourdes, Fatima, Medjugorie, Kibeho, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Civita Vecchia 1Apparations of the Virgin-Italian/…More
2 Apparations of the Virgin-Italian/English
A documentary about the Marian apparitions, Lourdes, Fatima, Medjugorie, Kibeho, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Civita Vecchia
1Apparations of the Virgin-Italian/English.
3Apparations of the Virgin-Italian/English.
2Apparations of the Virgin-Italian/English. darsham Mar 27, 2008Why does God use apparitions? God is freedom and in his infinite power he has created the reality, the time, the man. He gave to his …More
2Apparations of the Virgin-Italian/English.
darsham Mar 27, 2008Why does God use apparitions? God is freedom and in his infinite power he has created the reality, the time, the man. He gave to his creation a part of freedom and reasonableness (partem capere - in the nature there are such qualities too), since the most insignificant beings to the one that has the ability to differ over other.
With the free will the man can choose the good or the bad, to kill or not to kill, so the human history is a whole of free acts.
God doesn't interfere changing anything if not he won't be anymore the supreme freedom, but he gives him the possibility to excercite such freedom, as well as he gives the possibility to be honest, to be faithful etc. But he is also Love and so he doesn't leave the man to himself, with benevolence he makes some breaks in the human history from where, through the Virgin Mary, he warms the man when he surpasses his limits leaving the right way.
So the apparitions are a sign …More
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Marian Shrines of the World #8: Our Lady of Good CounselMore
Marian Shrines of the World #8: Our Lady of Good Counsel
Marian Shrines of the World #8: Our Lady of Good Counsel. FranciscanFriars on Jul 14, 2011. Also known as La Madonna del Paradiso Madonna del Buon Consiglio Memorial 26 April 25 April at Genazzano …More
Marian Shrines of the World #8: Our Lady of Good Counsel.
FranciscanFriars on Jul 14, 2011.
Also known as
La Madonna del Paradiso
Madonna del Buon Consiglio
26 April

25 April at Genazzano Records dating from the reign of Paul II relate that the picture of Our Lady, at first called La Madonna del Paradiso and now better known as Madonna del Buon Consiglio, appeared at Genazzano, Italy, a town about twenty-five miles southeast of Rome, on 25 April 1467, in the old church of Santa Maria, which had been under the care of Augustinians since 1356. The venerated icon itself, which is drawn on a thin scale of wall-plaster little thicker than a visiting-card, was observed to hang suspended in the air without support; early tradition says that one could pass a thread around the image without touching it. Devotion to Our Lady in Santa Maria sprang up at once. Pilgrims began to pour in, miracles began and continue at the shrine. In July 1467, Pope Paul deputed two bishopsMore
129. La fecundidad del Padre. Parte 4. florycanto Tomado del libro "A mis sacerdotes" de Concepción Cabrera de Armida.More
129. La fecundidad del Padre. Parte 4.
Tomado del libro "A mis sacerdotes" de Concepción Cabrera de Armida.
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Mary’s Apparitions for the World: Tours, ManopelloMore
Mary’s Apparitions for the World: Tours, Manopello
Mary’s Apparitions for the World: Tours, Manopello. Marian News on June 12 2017 The early apparitions in the 1830s and 1840s were the foundation stones of all the subsequent modern apparitions. Before …More
Mary’s Apparitions for the World: Tours, Manopello.
Marian News on June 12 2017 The early apparitions in the 1830s and 1840s were the foundation stones of all the subsequent modern apparitions. Before the great apparition at LaSalette, Jesus and Mary used a generous Carmelite Sister as the vessel to receive and transmit important lessons of the great power that small sacrifices have to change hearts and to change the world. Sister Marie StPierre of the Holy Family was a household name in Catholic France, thanks to labors of Leo Dupont. Later on, St. Therese the “Little Flower,” another French Carmelite, was God’s chosen instrument to “broadcast” to the whole world the lessons that she learned from Sister Marie StPierre. And it is not words alone, but the very expression of the “Face of God” which taught them and teaches us. This conference calls attention to three miraculous images: Veronica’s Veil, the Shroud of Turin and the veil of Manoppello
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An American Apparition: Our Lady of Good HelpMore
An American Apparition: Our Lady of Good Help
An American Apparition: Our Lady of Good Help. DolanproductionsLLC The National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, also dedicated as the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, is a Marian shrine, located within …More
An American Apparition: Our Lady of Good Help.
DolanproductionsLLC The National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, also dedicated as the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, is a Marian shrine, located within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Green Bay.[1] The chapel is in the community of Champion, Wisconsin, about 16 miles (26 km) north east of Green Bay, Wisconsin. It stands on the site of the reported Marian apparition to a Belgian-born woman, Adele Brise, in the year 1859. The apparition was formally approved on December 8, 2010, by Bishop David L. Ricken, becoming the first Marian apparition approved by the Catholic Church in the United States. Bishop Ricken also approved the Chapel as a Diocesan Shrine, recognizing its long history as a place of pilgrimage and prayer.
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Marian Aparitions in the Ukraine.More
Marian Aparitions in the Ukraine.
Marian Aparitions in the Ukraine. TheWorkOfGod Jul 6, 2007 Taken from the amazing video "Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century". A Message of Urgency.More
Marian Aparitions in the Ukraine.
TheWorkOfGod Jul 6, 2007 Taken from the amazing video "Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century". A Message of Urgency.
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Neuvaine et prières à Sainte Rita de CasiaMore
Neuvaine et prières à Sainte Rita de Casia
Neuvaine et prières à Sainte Rita de Casia. Fête le 22 mai - Une Neuvaine se célèbre en l'honneur de Sainte Rita du 14 au 22 de chaque mois. Litanies de Sainte Rita Seigneur, ayez pitié de nous, …More
Neuvaine et prières à Sainte Rita de Casia.
Fête le 22 mai - Une Neuvaine se célèbre en l'honneur de Sainte Rita du 14 au 22 de chaque mois.
Litanies de Sainte Rita
Seigneur, ayez pitié de nous,
Christ, ayez pitié de nous,
Seigneur, ayez pitié de nous,
Christ, écoutez-nous,
Christ, exaucez-nous, Père céleste, qui êtes Dieu, ayez pitié de nous, Fils Rédempteur du monde, qui êtes Dieu, ayez pitié de nous, Esprit-Saint, qui êtes Dieu, ayez pitié de nous, Trinité Sainte, qui êtes un seul Dieu, ayez pitié de nous, Marie Immaculée, Mère de Dieu, priez pour nous, Marie, Reine et réconfort des affligés, priez pour nous, Marie, Reine de tous les Saints, priez pour nous, Marie, protectrice aimante de Sainte Rita, priez pour nous, Sainte Rita, notre avocate toute puissante, priez pour nous, Sainte Rita, don choisi du ciel, priez pour nous, Sainte Rita, prédestinée à la gloire, priez pour nous, Sainte Rita, admirable dès l'enfance, priez pour nous, Sainte Rita, désireuse de la solitude, priez pour …More
Herzenswunsch-Krankenwagen Träume und Wünsche bekommen eine ganz andere Dimension, wenn Menschen wissen, dass sie nicht mehr lange zu leben haben. Diese letzten Wünsche, die den Menschen oft alles …More
Träume und Wünsche bekommen eine ganz andere Dimension, wenn Menschen wissen, dass sie nicht mehr lange zu leben haben. Diese letzten Wünsche, die den Menschen oft alles bedeuten, wollen ihnen die Malteser Passau mit dem Herzenswunsch-Krankenwagen erfüllen. Die beiden ehrenamtlichen Malteser Sabine Grundmüller und Martin Lang erfüllen als Fahrer und Begleiter oft die letzten Wünsche von schwerkranken Menschen. In einem Videoclip gewähren sie Einblick in ihre erfüllende Aufgabe.
martin fischerMore
martin fischer
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Novena a Santa Rita da Cascia. Inizia il 13 e termina il 21 MaggioMore
Novena a Santa Rita da Cascia. Inizia il 13 e termina il 21 Maggio
Novena a Santa Rita da Cascia. Inizia il 13 e termina il 21 Maggio Nel nome del Padre e del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo. Amen. 13 Maggio - 1° giorno O eccelsa taumaturga Santa Rita, rivolgi i tuoi …More
Novena a Santa Rita da Cascia.
Inizia il 13 e termina il 21 Maggio
Nel nome del Padre e del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo. Amen.
13 Maggio - 1° giorno
O eccelsa taumaturga Santa Rita, rivolgi i tuoi occhi pietosi verso di me, che tanto soffro e piango! Tu vedi il mio povero cuore circondato di spine, sanguinante dolore...
Tu vedi, o cara Santa, che i miei occhi non hanno più lacrime, perché tante ne hanno versate! Stanco e sfiduciato sento che la stessa preghiera mi muore sulle labbra...
Dovrò disperare in simile frangente della mia vita? Deh, vieni, o Rita, vieni in mio soccorso ed aiuto! Non sei tu chiamata dal popolo cristiano: Santa degli impossibili, avvocata dei casi disperati? Ebbene, onora tale titolo implorando per me la grazia che a Dio domando...
Tutti proclamano le tue glorie, tutti narrano i prodigi più strepitosi per tuo mezzo operati da Dio, io solo rimarrò deluso perché da te non ascoltato? No! Ti prego di intercedere per me presso Gesù, perché abbia pietà dei miei affanni …More
Novena a Santa Rita - Día 1 🙏 13 de Mayo 2024 Novena a Santa Rita - Día 1 ✝️ Por la señal ✠ de la Santa Cruz, de nuestros ✠ enemigos, líbranos Señor ✠ Dios nuestro. En el nombre del Padre, y del …More
Novena a Santa Rita - Día 1 🙏 13 de Mayo 2024
Novena a Santa Rita - Día 1 ✝️ Por la señal ✠ de la Santa Cruz, de nuestros ✠ enemigos, líbranos Señor ✠ Dios nuestro. En el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo ✠, y del Espíritu Santo. Amén. 🛐 ACTO DE CONTRICIÓN Señor mío, Jesucristo, Dios y Hombre verdadero, Creador, Padre y Redentor mío, por ser Vos quién sois y porque os amo sobre todas las cosas, me pesa de todo corazón haberos ofendido; propongo firmemente nunca más pecar, apartarme de todas las ocasiones de ofenderos, confesarme y, cumplir la penitencia que me fuera impuesta. Amén. 🙏 ORACIÓN INICIAL Dios y Señor nuestro, que, disponiéndolo todo con admirable providencia, has puesto en tu Iglesia a los Santos para que fuesen un modelo constante de todas las virtudes, y que, llamándolos a tu seno, los has constituido nuestros protectores y abogados: escucha propicio los ruegos de tu sierva Santa Rita, que diste al mundo como ejemplar en los diferentes estados de la vida, y concédenos que todo …More
FÁTIMA, con Ricardo Montalbán (en español) Ricardo Gonzalo Pedro Montalbán y Merino (Ciudad de México, 25 de noviembre de 1920-Los Ángeles, California, 14 de enero de 2009), conocido como Ricardo …More
FÁTIMA, con Ricardo Montalbán (en español)
Ricardo Gonzalo Pedro Montalbán y Merino
(Ciudad de México, 25 de noviembre de 1920-Los Ángeles, California, 14 de enero de 2009), conocido como Ricardo Montalbán, fue un actor mexicanoestadounidense.
Ricardo Montalbán - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Novena di Pentecoste allo Spirito Santo. 13 Maggio. Quarto Giorno. TeleradiokolbeMore
Novena di Pentecoste allo Spirito Santo. 13 Maggio. Quarto Giorno. Teleradiokolbe
Mario Sedevacantista Colucci shares this
Beata Vergine Maria di Fatima. 13 Maggio. Feste Mariane. Teleradiokolbe La prima apparizione mariana del XX secolo Dopo tre apparizioni di rilievo della Vergine Maria, verificatesi durante il XIX secolo …More
Beata Vergine Maria di Fatima. 13 Maggio. Feste Mariane. Teleradiokolbe
La prima apparizione mariana del XX secolo

Dopo tre apparizioni di rilievo della Vergine Maria, verificatesi durante il XIX secolo, a La Salette nel 1846, a Lourdes nel 1858, a Castelpetroso nel 1888, la Madonna apparve nel 1917, per la prima volta nel XX secolo, a Fatima in Portogallo.
In tutte queste apparizioni, come pure nel 1432 a Caravaggio e nel 1531 a Guadalupe in Messico, la Vergine si rivolse a ragazzi o giovani di umili condizioni sociali, per lo più dediti alla pastorizia. Indicava in tal modo la sua predilezione per le anime semplici e innocenti, a cui affidare i suoi messaggi all’umanità peccatrice, invocandone il pentimento ed esortandola alla preghiera.
Il contesto storico
Si era in un tempo di affermazione di un diffuso materialismo, sia ideologico, sia politico, il cui maggior filone era il bolscevismo sovietico; inoltre il 5 maggio 1917, quindi otto giorni prima, papa Benedetto XV, visto il perdurare …More
Heiliger Erzengel Raffael 13 maggio 53050 > Beata Vergine Maria di Fatima 13 maggio - Memoria Facoltativa 53041 > Sant' Agnese di Poitiers Badessa …More
Heiliger Erzengel Raffael
13 maggio
53050 > Beata Vergine Maria di Fatima 13 maggio - Memoria Facoltativa
53041 > Sant' Agnese di Poitiers Badessa 13 maggio
98811 > Beato Albertino Maria Maisonade Religioso cistercense, martire 13 maggio
53025 > Sant' Andrea Uberto Fournet 13 maggio
53050 > Beata Vergine Maria di Fatima 13 maggio - Memoria Facoltativa
100029 > San Cristanziano Martire venerato ad Ascoli Piceno 13 maggio 99508 > Santa Disciola di Poitiers Monaca 13 maggio 98810 > Beato Domenico Maria Zawrel Sacerdote cistercense, martire 13 maggio 98111 > Beato Faustino Chiari Francescano 13 maggio 98955 > San Flavio di Chalon-sur-Saône Vescovo 13 maggio 90670 > Santa Gemma Reclusa 13 maggio 53040 > Beata Giuliana di Norwich Mistica 13 maggio 98817 > Sant' Ignazio Brjančaninov Vescovo 13 maggio (Chiese Orientali) 53350 > Beata Maddalena Albrici Badessa agostiniana 13 maggio 97358 > San Maeldoid Abate 13 maggio 98677 > Beata Maria de la Concepción Barrecheguren …More
[ 𝗟𝗮 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝘂𝘁𝗲 𝗦𝗽𝗶 🙏 ] lundi 13 mai - Jean 16, 29-33 « Courage ! Moi, je suis vainqueur du monde » 🟣 Nous vous proposons un commentaire quotidien sur le texte d'évangile du jour. Lundi 13 mai - Jean …More
[ 𝗟𝗮 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝘂𝘁𝗲 𝗦𝗽𝗶 🙏 ] lundi 13 mai - Jean 16, 29-33
« Courage ! Moi, je suis vainqueur du monde »
🟣 Nous vous proposons un commentaire quotidien sur le texte d'évangile du jour. Lundi 13 mai - Jean 16, 29-33 avec le père Marc TONGALAHY, vicaire à la paroisse Saint-Pons. Paroisse Saint-Pons
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Nuestra Señora de Fátima: 13 de mayo ft. Padre Roberto FunesMore
Nuestra Señora de Fátima: 13 de mayo ft. Padre Roberto Funes
Nuestra Señora de Fátima: 13 de mayo ft. Padre Roberto Funes CCR santodeldíapodcast La Virgen de Fátima –formalmente Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Fátima- se apareció a tres pobres niños pastores …More
Nuestra Señora de Fátima: 13 de mayo ft. Padre Roberto Funes CCR santodeldíapodcast
La Virgen de Fátima –formalmente Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Fátima- se apareció a tres pobres niños pastores llamados Lucía, Jacinta y Francisco entre el 13 de mayo y el 13 de octubre de 1917 en Fátima, Portugal. La Virgen de Fátima fue un mensaje de Dios y es un recordatorio permanente de la importancia de la oración y el sacrificio, pues insistió a sus videntes en la oración del Santo Rosario por la paz del mundo y la salvación de las almas. Hoy el mundo necesita regresar al Santo Rosario y retomar el mensaje de Fátima, venerando también su Inmaculado Corazón. Sólo ella y su Único Hijo traerán la Paz y la Salvación.
OUR LADY of FATIMA Explained in 5 Min 🙏 Who is Our Lady of Fatima and the FATIMA Miracle 🙏 * READ More on Our WEBSITE: catholicnewsworld.comMore
OUR LADY of FATIMA Explained in 5 Min 🙏 Who is Our Lady of Fatima and the FATIMA Miracle 🙏
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Live Mike Billy FMore
Live Mike Billy F
La Alegría del Evangelio del 13 de mayo del 2024 florycanto Libro de los Hechos de los Apóstoles 19,1-8. Mientras Apolo permanecía en Corinto, Pablo, atravesando la región interior, llegó a Efeso.…More
La Alegría del Evangelio del 13 de mayo del 2024
Libro de los Hechos de los Apóstoles 19,1-8.
Mientras Apolo permanecía en Corinto, Pablo, atravesando la región interior, llegó a Efeso. Allí encontró a algunos discípulos
y les preguntó: "Cuando ustedes abrazaron la fe, ¿recibieron el Espíritu Santo?". Ellos le dijeron: "Ni siquiera hemos oído decir que hay un Espíritu Santo".
"Entonces, ¿qué bautismo recibieron?", les preguntó Pablo. "El de Juan", respondieron.
Pablo les dijo: "Juan bautizaba con un bautismo de penitencia, diciendo al pueblo que creyera en el que vendría después de él, es decir, en Jesús".
Al oír estas palabras, ellos se hicieron bautizar en el nombre del Señor Jesús. Pablo les impuso las manos, y descendió sobre ellos el Espíritu Santo. Entonces comenzaron a hablar en distintas lenguas y a profetizar. Eran en total unos doce hombres. Pablo fue luego a la sinagoga y durante tres meses predicó abiertamente, hablando sobre el Reino de Dios y tratando de persuadir …More
Gebet um Frieden und die Gabe der Stärke "Dies habe ich zu euch gesagt, damit ihr in mir Frieden habt. In der Welt seid ihr in Bedrängnis; aber habt Mut: Ich habe die Welt besiegt." (Joh 16,33) Wie hat …More
Gebet um Frieden und die Gabe der Stärke
"Dies habe ich zu euch gesagt, damit ihr in mir Frieden habt. In der Welt seid ihr in Bedrängnis; aber habt Mut: Ich habe die Welt besiegt." (Joh 16,33) Wie hat denn Jesus Seine schrecklichen Bedrängnisse und Ängste besiegt? Er hat sie besiegt, indem er 3 Stunden lang auf dem Ölberg, buchstäblich zu Gottvater geschrien hat: „Vater, lass diesen Kelch an mir vorübergehen… aber nicht mein, sondern Dein Wille geschehe!“ Daraufhin sandte Ihm Gottvater einen Engel, der Ihn stärkte. So konnte er mutig Seine schwere Mission siegreich zu Ende führen. Auch wir sind so oft bedrängt von verschiedensten Ängsten. Auch wir brauchen so dringend die Gabe der Stärke, die der Hl. Geist allen verleiht, die ihn darum bitten. Neben unseren persönlichen Ängsten und Bedrängnissen schauen wir zurzeit äußerst besorgt auf das Weltgeschehen und fragen uns bange: Werden die Kriegsherde eskalieren? Wird es zum Flächenbrand kommen? Heute am Fatimatag dürfen wir der Botschaft …More
Tina 13More
Tina 13
32 Exodus: Die Listenführer canisius tvMore
32 Exodus: Die Listenführer
canisius tv